Директор филиала ILC в Шанхае Андрей Есин для РЖД Партнер | Import to Russia | Expert among freight forwarders

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Директор филиала ILC в Шанхае Андрей Есин для РЖД Партнер | Import to Russia | Expert among freight forwarders

Директор филиала ILC в Шанхае Андрей Есин для РЖД Партнер

Chinese New Year was not the reason for the increase in transportation tariffs

This year, the tariff situation is generally stable and even prone to decline.

 "There has been no increase in tariffs for sea and rail transportation this year. This is due to a number of factors. So, by the end of last year, the issue of the shortage of empty containers was resolved and the cost of renting them returned to normal. At the moment, despite the festive excitement, there is no shortage. There was also a decrease in demand for transportation to Europe. This has led to an increase in offers to Russia, as Chinese railway operators need to meet government KPIs. The sea lines did not stand aside and also reduced the cost of freight in order not to miss the volume," explained Andrey Yesin, director of the ILC branch in Shanghai.

Source: News Agency RZD Partner.ru 


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